Pre cut Freezer Paper Sheets

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These freezer paper sheets were specially designed for crafters of all kinds. You can iron ANY FABRIC you want to it for printing. It has a special coating to enhance the adhesiveness to fabrics with very low heat from any household iron. It is over twice the weight of standard freezer paper to prevent rolling and curling in printers. And, the over sized, pre-cut sheets satisfy many applications, such as painting, appliqués, stencils, and making fabric sheets, to name a few! 54 lb 8.5"x 11" 

4 Sheets / $1.25

50 sheets / $10.00


Freezer paper is used in a couple of ways in miniatures.  It is basically a stabilizer for fabric.
the most common way miniaturists us the paper is to iron it onto the back of light weight cotton or silk fabric so the fabric can be run through your printer.
When printing on fabric you must use an ink jet printer.  You need the ink to soak into the fabric.  Laser printers while great for paper lay down a plastic type finish on the fabric that is not absorbed.
If the item is going to be glued then you must seal the fabric with a bubble jet sealer or a coat of light weight hairspray.  Always use the glue sparingly and test the printing before completing a whole project.
Another way to use the paper is something I like to do with it and suggest in some of my classes.
I take Your clothing pattern and copy it onto the non wax side of the freezer paper.  Then iron the page onto the fabric you are making your item out of.  It stabilizes the fabric and lets you cut the fabric  without slipping or pinning. Great especially for silky fabrics.  Peal the paper off fairly soon after cutting you pieces out so the paper doesn't stick. ( some fabrics will peal easy after months and others only days or hours )  I have also left the paper on things like screen panels or wall coverings so they can be glued onto walls or boards without glue soaking into and staining the fabric.